How could we not love this crisp fall weather?! As you can see from the joy on my kids faces, jumping in the leaves is obviously the highlight of the fall. We (okay - by 'we' I mean Jesse) made a huge pile of leaves right by the swingset. The kids and their dad had a blast jumping in the leaves off the swings.
Halloween is "totally awesome"! The pink fairy princess had way too much fun - see how it took two hands to hold up her trunk or treat goodies? Isaac had more fun that what his expression is showing. I think he was a little annoyed at having to wait to get a picture before diving into the goods.
Spencer came home last Sunday, he had gained a full pound and was feeding on demand, so we were all excited to go and get our precious miracle to bring him home. Now we are all sleep deprived, but loving his adorable ways and seeing his own beautiful personality shining forth. He actually is very laid back and sleeps most of the time. We were thrilled last night when his normal three hour feeding schedule stretched to a full four hours. It's amazing what a difference an hour can make!